If you wants to quit smoking ,then start to eat healthy bananas
Banana is rich in viatamine B and many of minerals banana can help you in stop smoking.actually what it does!it is relax from stress of nicotine widrawl and and at the same time helping us to deal with it.
2-It gives medicine like effect on skin diseases.
Bananas are the healthy sources of vitamine A, B ,C and E and benificial minerals like iron ,potassium ,zinc .these healthy banana are also abundant with amino acids and anti oxydents that provides nutrients to our skin and hairs.and banana peels are rich in carbohydrates nd gives natural beauty to our skin.
3-Banana is full of energy and also a good food .
Eating of bananas boosts our energy instantly. we eat these healthy bananas at every time but these are more benificial after workout and also have extra effect if we eat in lunch.
4-Eating bananas helps in reducing stress.
tryptophane content in bananas is ultimately transformed into cerotonnin ,which is a kind of neurotransmitter that promotes happiness.banana possesses good level of trptophane so it helps in overcoming from dippression .
5 -Banana produces W B C cells , and increases immunity.
good amount of WBC cells fights well from bad becterias of body,and hence increses immunity.
eating banana also helps in incresing memory.bnana also helps to reduse in muscel pain..eating bananas makes nervous system strong.
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