Vitamin D facts and health

Vitamin D health facts and benefits 

Vitamin D is fat soluble vitamin .
Vitamin D is   very effective in forming or maintaining strongness  of bones and teeth.
Actually Vitamin D maintains the level of calcium and phosphorus ,and theses two gives strength to our   bones.
Vitamin d stimulates the maturation in cells of heart immune system and in cells of brain. 

Sources of Vitamin D 

Naturally and amazing source of  Vitamin  D is sunlight.So sunlight is very important for our body.
there are many more sources like
  1. Eggs
  2. from fatty fish
  3.  animal liver
  4.  fortified cereals 
  5.  fortified milk or margarine
 ultimate source of Vitamin D is sunlight and exposure   to ultraviolet light is just necessary to produce the active form of vitamin D .
 10 to 15 min of sunlight is sufficient to recieve enough vitamin D .

Side effects of supplements and toxicity.

supplements of Vitamin D can reduces the the the number of non spinal fractures  in our body.
High doses of Vitamiun D supplements may causes accumulation in liver .
Sign of Vitamin D  toxicity includes excess calcium in the blood ,decrease appetite ,nausea and vomiting and slow the mental and physical growth.

Effect of deficiency of Vitamin D

The deficiency of Vitamin  D directly defects our skeletal deformities,and weaken our bones.
Its deficiency can result in abnormally growth of bones in rickets in children, and muscle spasms and malformed teeth .


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